Saturday, December 5, 2009

Vacation To Rome

i just got back from rome. 12 hours in flight , what can be worse. yaahh of course rome was nice. pfftt nice for those who's interest in history. Besides the old building there's nothing interesting. & of course those who've ever watched Lizzie McGuire probably likes the fontana di trevi where she makes a wish. I really hate the cold. it's colder then a freezer it's colder then any air-cond & when u speak it's like in a comic book where there's a cloud up on their head whenever they speak. it's like u talking in a very cold freezer. haha . the temperature is 13celcius & when there's a wind its probably decreasing. i dont know why. it's getting like 3celcius. i knOw!! WOW. i'm suffering much. what i love the most about rome is THE FOOD aaa. yah I KNOW. the pizza my god. extra extra cheese. Almost everyday we're having pizza. cooolll. well the fun part is already over. the stupidest thing here is when u enter the lavatory's room u've got to pay 80cents euro. whatthefuck. that was like 4ringgit & blabla cent. even at malaysia it's only cost 20cent or the higher is 50 cent. duuhhhh idiot. this probably the worse vacation ever it's all because of my sister. Nadia!! she ruined everything. Whenever i wanna buy something there. taraaa there she come with her fuckin mouth . "manabolee annisa belii.eeeee" urrghhh SHUTUP laaa . well Rome is still nice for historian . oohh oohh there's a horse . soooo cuteeeeee. & there's a cat a big cat damn cute. i wanna bring it home but my mom wont let me so. now i realise how much i love malaysia. my own country. it's warmer then rome. ppfftt but i still love canada .wooo oooo CANADA dangg danggg. love uuuuu

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day Out (meet new face)

I'm going out to sunway today to hang out with my friend Aletea Ira, Kies , Alya , & Shamsul. Then i met Rafeeqa & she was so friendly to us. I'm not in a mood that time cause i keep thinking of something that i miss back-then. Afterthat we walk around the area to actually think of any activity to do?? haha. The first spot i had in mind is any food stall that i can get something to eat. Then we ate Sushi King first & i have absolutely no idea what i just order. But it taste good anyway.Then we go sing karaoke & I was so embarrassing that sometime u wanna wear a bag on ur head. hehe that's a bit over dramatic. well it was fun. after an hour we get ourselves outta here cause we've no longer energy to sing duuhhh. We ate auntie Annie & after that we heading home.

Monday, November 23, 2009

I Need a Break

i'm sick of people not understanding me. When i felt sad or frustration they never realise it. I cant express my feelings all the time. I hate school. & now i know why. I'm obviously not a trouble-maker I'm just an ordinary teenager . People at school are spreading rumors about me & everyone is believing them. I will never understand people obviously who cannot distinguish between reality & crap. I think there's something serious wrong with them. Sometime having a personal talk with ur boyfriend is a crime at school cause people will start talking & all. ahh suckerr

I really really sick of people underestimating me when i just trying to be me. like yeahh they dint even know me. all this stuff is making me stress & sick . sometime it would be good if i can just take oneself off to somewhere peace full & forget about all this sucker. i just need a vacation. probably to Hawaii. I'm very sure that there's someone out there understand what i'm trying to say. & yahh i love uuu.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ninesters Reunion

So today i woke up & i was wrecked.Its a very great day.You know what was so great about today?? it wasn't a big party or wild partayy.But it was a day filled from beginning to end with activities & show.& full of hug from the people i love & the people i haven't seen for quite a long time.I'm the first to perform solo.This performance has been on my calendar for over a month, so I was really excited to finally get to play it.We had a blast on stage & really let loose.& Azrul band which is The Natterjack rock the reunion like HELL.A few minutes later, I can't believe i've won the lucky draw. oh how lucky am i. Neehh which i dint. The winner is someone i didn't know. & afterthat, theres coca-cola drinking contest & the winner is Adrina. Yeaahhh. very delighted guest & mutually photographer. There is many gift which gave to the winner. & the hamper given to guest winner most sporting. In most activities, only the guest gets the prize. Commitee aren't allowed to take part in any activities. DAMN . but its fun anyway.

Nway i curled my hair. hahaha. & it takes about an hour to make it done.

(there will be pictures in this section until everything is done)

Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm So Freakin Tired

I'm tired of being tired all day. I've been busy all day. my mind is on the blink.I'm overworked.I have been tired what seems like all of the time. I'm Dying.. I think i'm going to dance & do the latest move that i saw in tv, aaa Wonder girl i guess. & next i'm gonna sing. & after that i'm goin to die. owh sheeshh . I'm freak out!! suddenly!! i saw this black cat by the road. maybe its an alien cat. OMG this is abnormal. the alien must wanted to kidnap me & i'm gonna be their experiment. HELP'o. blablabla i just being dramatic. Tomorrow is the Ninesters party & i'm TIRED. owh what should i DO ?? neehhh I'm Crazy. Nasty little thing .How can i survive tonight ?? the night full with unsolved mystery?? gila gay -_-" .i think its the best thing if i just GO TO BED!!

may i ensure
this is clearly had nothing to do with life & death.

Adellea Scarlett

Monday, November 16, 2009

BULLSHIT who bring shame

Just an FYI.I don't envy you & i don't respect u any longer. I'm a little bit of everything all rolled into one & whatever u say I JUST DON'T GIVE A F**K. If i was u, i would hate me so fuckin good, because it must be sucks to be YOU. Thus justifying why i suddenly hate u is because ur Stupid Behaviour trying to bring me down?? like yeaahh just keep ur stupidass off. Don't blame me if u're the main cause ur boyfriend to act in these way. Duhhh.what a stupid and ignorant youngsters are u. .Why must u being such a psycho i dint even know whothehell are YOU at the first place.You're way off. For me u just a piece of shit. Why don't u & ur stupid bitchy mouth shut the fuck up. U WASTING UR TIME. pfftt.& u absolutely immature for saying those silly stuff about me in ur facebook & myspace.huh babi gay-ler!!

i dont like u. i dont like u. i dont like u. i dont like u
pengutuk number 1 is the award for "things" like u.urrgghhh

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Beloved Grandpa Die

4 november 2009

our family have lost our grandpa. we hope that he'll go to a better place called heaven. I felt so sorry to my grandma & especially my mom . She cant obey to sleep. My grandpa is a good Husband & a great Dad. Even he's not our biological grandpa but he stilll our grandpa that we love. He spend all his life helping people & take a good care of my grandma. I love him so Much. But its better this way.

do alms the


Sunday, November 1, 2009

AAR concert

last night is soo huge.The crowd is chaos & its raining .there's an American guy wanted to pull me up cause i cant see the stage very well awww.We wait for about an Hour for the All American Reject to show-up SHITT.But after They get into the stage all the girls screaming like Hell. I was soo stupid back-then that i actually shout "I LOVE U TYSON,MARRY ME" to him hahahhaha i dont think he hear me.Then Iena lost somewhere at the concert .We thought she was walking with kies. & blabla the concert is boring Anyway

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Another Stupid Stuff

u see i'm not a mean type of person but there's a guy who admitting that i'm his friend which i'm not.My friend seems felt uncomfortable with this guy cause he had already caused alot of problems.He actually dint do anything to me but i just want him to know that i'm not interested to be his friend.if i brave enough to say

"hey listen i'm not ur friend & i'll never be,now get ur ass of the hooked"

or in a very polite way

"hey,sorry to say but listen i know ur not a bad boy but please i begging u pleaassee i'm not ur friend .if possible please do not talk to me forever u freak me out .pleeeaaassseeee . i'm sorry but its the fact soo deal with it. i really sorry "

haha there u go. no it wasnt u if u used to talk with me & i talk with u back. duuhhh .

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Open House

i'm so glad that finally i can see my bestfriend face which is Alya, Kiestina & Ira also my buddybuddy Azman who come with iffryal.Beside that ,i really appreciate to those who come like Akmal, Azrul, Faiz, Hariz, Ayeen & the Band aa i dont remember all of their name.Shamsul didn't come cause he had another open house to go but his brother did.Ayeen & his band get their own special room which is actually a study room haha because the house is crowded with people.The funny part is Ayeen in force to babysit a babygirl which is so funny.& after that we went to the living room & get away from the crowd outside.the food is lamb & chicken chop ,spaghetti & all the food we don't eat with hand but iffryal did. hahaha .Azman play the guitar just as good as it sounds.Kiestina leave early =( .& after a while Ayeen ask me about history & i was like an historian there.After a few hours azman & iffryal leave & azman gave something that glow in the dark hahah Thankiu :) .Then, me, Alya, Akmal & Hariz start making a video its a silly video on Youtube.Alya afraid of the guinea pig what we call a walking hair. hahaha. after an Hour Faiz come back with sweat all over his body. He walk around section 9 for almost 2 Hour ahhahaha .Lastly, everyone back home. Its sad cause Yahya wasnt here well Happy Birthday to your brother.

Friday, October 16, 2009

i have the best boyfriend in the world

today i feel very happy because i phoned my boyfriend. we talked almost an hour.i repeat i was in love with my boyfriend haha. i realize that i often ignore u at school. but in this blessed day i promise will not doing the same thing again because i love u yahya with all my heart. :D. he is very important in my life because he always makes me want to smile & i confess that i do not know how to make jokes but he always laugh at me while i do not make anything hahaha. And i am overwhelmed when he left a love letters under my desk. U SO CUTE. && i apologize because i call u when u busy cooking like a mom hahahaha. ~HA gna my photo lagiii i gnaa ur photo haha

Monday, September 14, 2009

September Birthday

on 12/9/09

Happy Brithday Haiza.God Bless U.

Monday, August 31, 2009

yahya again

once upon a time there was Annisa & she's in love with Yahya hahaha, one fine day yahya took away my baby picture, 2 days after, he returned back the picture with a letter. haha if u read this yahya u don't have to gives me a letter when u can send via email. i'm gonna keep it forever hahaha. cause u're soooo cute!!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Home Sweet Home. back from our school kokurikulum camp. it might sound a bit boring but damn its amazing. hee :D.tent & all the gadget thinggie we have to make it by our own & its terribly cost alot of energy & make us soo damn tired until i slept at surau..the first night there is a blood war between human & mosquito & toilet kanak2 khas is the lavatory.haha.its hard for us to close our eye & sleep.the next day,i slept at surau agaaiinn time subuh hehe.The second day is not much to say.the second night is getting better, no mosquito decreasing our blood, 4 night activities we have to perform drama entitled "Budaya Kita" haha.the drama we plan is the last minute idea's & dind't expect to win.but we won 2nd prize.& wow. haha.afterthat ,theres a midnight movies which is Transformer that i've already seen.plenty of time.& listen to ayzad horror story.xtakut pun!! haha & i'm very happy to spend time with my boyfriend, lol cute when he is sleeping on a pile bags while my face watching him & i laugh haha.then i feel pity & i sit next to him when he is exhausted & he spotted me & laugh.uuu so cute yahya i sayang uu .& the next morning the last day of camp.the good news is bomba won no1 for kawad.the bad news is bomba loose for camping.well we did won a cool weekend anyway..

we've sacrifice our energy,
we've sacrifice our weekend
& dude we've sacrifice our blood too
(xpuas hati nih)

(the team members)