Saturday, October 17, 2009

Open House

i'm so glad that finally i can see my bestfriend face which is Alya, Kiestina & Ira also my buddybuddy Azman who come with iffryal.Beside that ,i really appreciate to those who come like Akmal, Azrul, Faiz, Hariz, Ayeen & the Band aa i dont remember all of their name.Shamsul didn't come cause he had another open house to go but his brother did.Ayeen & his band get their own special room which is actually a study room haha because the house is crowded with people.The funny part is Ayeen in force to babysit a babygirl which is so funny.& after that we went to the living room & get away from the crowd outside.the food is lamb & chicken chop ,spaghetti & all the food we don't eat with hand but iffryal did. hahaha .Azman play the guitar just as good as it sounds.Kiestina leave early =( .& after a while Ayeen ask me about history & i was like an historian there.After a few hours azman & iffryal leave & azman gave something that glow in the dark hahah Thankiu :) .Then, me, Alya, Akmal & Hariz start making a video its a silly video on Youtube.Alya afraid of the guinea pig what we call a walking hair. hahaha. after an Hour Faiz come back with sweat all over his body. He walk around section 9 for almost 2 Hour ahhahaha .Lastly, everyone back home. Its sad cause Yahya wasnt here well Happy Birthday to your brother.

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