Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ninesters Reunion

So today i woke up & i was wrecked.Its a very great day.You know what was so great about today?? it wasn't a big party or wild partayy.But it was a day filled from beginning to end with activities & show.& full of hug from the people i love & the people i haven't seen for quite a long time.I'm the first to perform solo.This performance has been on my calendar for over a month, so I was really excited to finally get to play it.We had a blast on stage & really let loose.& Azrul band which is The Natterjack rock the reunion like HELL.A few minutes later, I can't believe i've won the lucky draw. oh how lucky am i. Neehh which i dint. The winner is someone i didn't know. & afterthat, theres coca-cola drinking contest & the winner is Adrina. Yeaahhh. very delighted guest & mutually photographer. There is many gift which gave to the winner. & the hamper given to guest winner most sporting. In most activities, only the guest gets the prize. Commitee aren't allowed to take part in any activities. DAMN . but its fun anyway.

Nway i curled my hair. hahaha. & it takes about an hour to make it done.

(there will be pictures in this section until everything is done)

Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm So Freakin Tired

I'm tired of being tired all day. I've been busy all day. my mind is on the blink.I'm overworked.I have been tired what seems like all of the time. I'm Dying.. I think i'm going to dance & do the latest move that i saw in tv, aaa Wonder girl i guess. & next i'm gonna sing. & after that i'm goin to die. owh sheeshh . I'm freak out!! suddenly!! i saw this black cat by the road. maybe its an alien cat. OMG this is abnormal. the alien must wanted to kidnap me & i'm gonna be their experiment. HELP'o. blablabla i just being dramatic. Tomorrow is the Ninesters party & i'm TIRED. owh what should i DO ?? neehhh I'm Crazy. Nasty little thing .How can i survive tonight ?? the night full with unsolved mystery?? gila gay -_-" .i think its the best thing if i just GO TO BED!!

may i ensure
this is clearly had nothing to do with life & death.

Adellea Scarlett

Monday, November 16, 2009

BULLSHIT who bring shame

Just an FYI.I don't envy you & i don't respect u any longer. I'm a little bit of everything all rolled into one & whatever u say I JUST DON'T GIVE A F**K. If i was u, i would hate me so fuckin good, because it must be sucks to be YOU. Thus justifying why i suddenly hate u is because ur Stupid Behaviour trying to bring me down?? like yeaahh just keep ur stupidass off. Don't blame me if u're the main cause ur boyfriend to act in these way. Duhhh.what a stupid and ignorant youngsters are u. .Why must u being such a psycho i dint even know whothehell are YOU at the first place.You're way off. For me u just a piece of shit. Why don't u & ur stupid bitchy mouth shut the fuck up. U WASTING UR TIME. pfftt.& u absolutely immature for saying those silly stuff about me in ur facebook & myspace.huh babi gay-ler!!

i dont like u. i dont like u. i dont like u. i dont like u
pengutuk number 1 is the award for "things" like u.urrgghhh