Monday, November 16, 2009

BULLSHIT who bring shame

Just an FYI.I don't envy you & i don't respect u any longer. I'm a little bit of everything all rolled into one & whatever u say I JUST DON'T GIVE A F**K. If i was u, i would hate me so fuckin good, because it must be sucks to be YOU. Thus justifying why i suddenly hate u is because ur Stupid Behaviour trying to bring me down?? like yeaahh just keep ur stupidass off. Don't blame me if u're the main cause ur boyfriend to act in these way. Duhhh.what a stupid and ignorant youngsters are u. .Why must u being such a psycho i dint even know whothehell are YOU at the first place.You're way off. For me u just a piece of shit. Why don't u & ur stupid bitchy mouth shut the fuck up. U WASTING UR TIME. pfftt.& u absolutely immature for saying those silly stuff about me in ur facebook & myspace.huh babi gay-ler!!

i dont like u. i dont like u. i dont like u. i dont like u
pengutuk number 1 is the award for "things" like u.urrgghhh

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