Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm So Freakin Tired

I'm tired of being tired all day. I've been busy all day. my mind is on the blink.I'm overworked.I have been tired what seems like all of the time. I'm Dying.. I think i'm going to dance & do the latest move that i saw in tv, aaa Wonder girl i guess. & next i'm gonna sing. & after that i'm goin to die. owh sheeshh . I'm freak out!! suddenly!! i saw this black cat by the road. maybe its an alien cat. OMG this is abnormal. the alien must wanted to kidnap me & i'm gonna be their experiment. HELP'o. blablabla i just being dramatic. Tomorrow is the Ninesters party & i'm TIRED. owh what should i DO ?? neehhh I'm Crazy. Nasty little thing .How can i survive tonight ?? the night full with unsolved mystery?? gila gay -_-" .i think its the best thing if i just GO TO BED!!

may i ensure
this is clearly had nothing to do with life & death.

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