Saturday, July 18, 2009


Home Sweet Home. back from our school kokurikulum camp. it might sound a bit boring but damn its amazing. hee :D.tent & all the gadget thinggie we have to make it by our own & its terribly cost alot of energy & make us soo damn tired until i slept at surau..the first night there is a blood war between human & mosquito & toilet kanak2 khas is the lavatory.haha.its hard for us to close our eye & sleep.the next day,i slept at surau agaaiinn time subuh hehe.The second day is not much to say.the second night is getting better, no mosquito decreasing our blood, 4 night activities we have to perform drama entitled "Budaya Kita" haha.the drama we plan is the last minute idea's & dind't expect to win.but we won 2nd prize.& wow. haha.afterthat ,theres a midnight movies which is Transformer that i've already seen.plenty of time.& listen to ayzad horror story.xtakut pun!! haha & i'm very happy to spend time with my boyfriend, lol cute when he is sleeping on a pile bags while my face watching him & i laugh haha.then i feel pity & i sit next to him when he is exhausted & he spotted me & laugh.uuu so cute yahya i sayang uu .& the next morning the last day of camp.the good news is bomba won no1 for kawad.the bad news is bomba loose for camping.well we did won a cool weekend anyway..

we've sacrifice our energy,
we've sacrifice our weekend
& dude we've sacrifice our blood too
(xpuas hati nih)

(the team members)

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