Monday, January 4, 2010

I Don't Have Anymore To Tell

i hate my life. it's miserable & horrible. OMG i really hate my life when i think about it. if there's a person out there who understand what i feel & can make me happy like i used to, i will be grateful & i hope that person is in addition to me & makes me happy like the past time. :(( it always like this, when i have found happiness, the happiness is going to leave me. just like that... . i try to restore the situation as ever & i tried to forward me to make my friends happy. i hope i can make people around me happy again & i do not want them to feel sad with the sadness of my face. after the occurrence of separation with my boyfriend my friends think that i still cannot accept the fact & still grieve with it. Notwithstanding that happens i just want my friends to understand me & always remember that i always love them no matter what & i have to continue living & accept the fact that i no longer have a boyfriend to love with & i'm fine with it :) i sounds so gay. & i am not angry with u to betroth myself with another guy but i hope u understand that i am not ready to accept another lover in my life even more to love the man because i was afraid i had to leave the man without the consent of both sides & i do not want to be in another love story. "yet" haha

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