Sunday, January 3, 2010

First Day Of School

i know i am a lazy person but this is just SUCKS!! first day of school is so boring & i fall asleep in class while learning sessions are conducted hehe!! i can't believe that i will go through this situation again & again. ugh but i have to deal with it. MOM :'(( !! i hate school because i was forced to carry 30kg of books & learning sessions are very long from what i term. Today i have warned everyone that if they stepped on my new shoes, i will summons them hahaha. i'm not joking. I hate lunch time because i could not buy food at rest because there are many students in a crowded canteen. My body is not allowed to feel hungry & i returned to class with a state of hunger>:( . I will study hard so that more opportunities for me to quickly leave this school & study aboard. but if my parents decided to put me to a hostel, i would not hesitate to kill myself (hangman). i feel very delighted to meet my friends today. but only one thing that i don't understand.....hmm...?? whatever it is, it sure is bothering me.

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