Tuesday, January 5, 2010


there are many instances of strange lately. there is something that going undetected. there may be an alien who is determined to take over planet earth. i'm not here to talk about aliens. but i just wanted to let u know that i will begin studying piano with my friend akmal in YAMAHA & i will sit for the examination this year & my parents had put me in some tuition. my cat ran away because he was over eating & become obese. kurang ajar punya kucing. i feel very happy because i don't know why. weeiiirrdd !!

Monday, January 4, 2010

I Don't Have Anymore To Tell

i hate my life. it's miserable & horrible. OMG i really hate my life when i think about it. if there's a person out there who understand what i feel & can make me happy like i used to, i will be grateful & i hope that person is in addition to me & makes me happy like the past time. :(( it always like this, when i have found happiness, the happiness is going to leave me. just like that... . i try to restore the situation as ever & i tried to forward me to make my friends happy. i hope i can make people around me happy again & i do not want them to feel sad with the sadness of my face. after the occurrence of separation with my boyfriend my friends think that i still cannot accept the fact & still grieve with it. Notwithstanding that happens i just want my friends to understand me & always remember that i always love them no matter what & i have to continue living & accept the fact that i no longer have a boyfriend to love with & i'm fine with it :) i sounds so gay. & i am not angry with u to betroth myself with another guy but i hope u understand that i am not ready to accept another lover in my life even more to love the man because i was afraid i had to leave the man without the consent of both sides & i do not want to be in another love story. "yet" haha

Sunday, January 3, 2010

First Day Of School

i know i am a lazy person but this is just SUCKS!! first day of school is so boring & i fall asleep in class while learning sessions are conducted hehe!! i can't believe that i will go through this situation again & again. ugh but i have to deal with it. MOM :'(( !! i hate school because i was forced to carry 30kg of books & learning sessions are very long from what i term. Today i have warned everyone that if they stepped on my new shoes, i will summons them hahaha. i'm not joking. I hate lunch time because i could not buy food at rest because there are many students in a crowded canteen. My body is not allowed to feel hungry & i returned to class with a state of hunger>:( . I will study hard so that more opportunities for me to quickly leave this school & study aboard. but if my parents decided to put me to a hostel, i would not hesitate to kill myself (hangman). i feel very delighted to meet my friends today. but only one thing that i don't understand.....hmm...?? whatever it is, it sure is bothering me.